Maifest Celebrations of German Heritage across America

It’s fun to see the popularity of German Heritage related Maifest celebrations increasing all across America.

The first of May is always a public holiday all throughout greater Germany.

Also known as Der Erste Mai or Tag der Arbeit, this first day in May was the historic start of an ancient festival to welcome the spring weather and to drive away all evil spirits.

It’s also an occasion to celebrate workers rights like Labor Day in the United States.

Mai pole

In recent years, the Maibaum (maypole) is a much decorated, tall wooden pole made up to showcase the history of trades and crafts of the local town where it’s located.

It is celebrated with a long precession of music and dance.

Maifest in America is very popular as well. One of the largest celebrations of Maifest within the USA is in Cincinnati, Ohio which has been celebrating it since 1873. 

2017-maifest-postcard-handbill-01Organized by the Germania Society Of Cincinnati, this Maifest celebration doesn’t start until May 19th, 20th and 21st 2017.

Take a look at their Maifest promotional “commercial” videos from last year. Sure looks like a lot of German Heritage fun!

The annual Maifest celebration in Leavenworth Washington is always a spectacular event. This magical Bavarian hamlet of the northwest always knows how to do it right.

maifest leavenworthSource: @ Reed Carlson

Of course the city of Chicago won’t begin their annual Maifest celebrations until the month of June. Maybe for the same reasons Oktoberfest in Germany takes place in September.


One of the most popular celebrations of Maifest within the USA is that of Brenham, Texas that originally started it’s first Maifest celebration in 1881.


This town of Brenham TX has strong German ancestry roots.

Brenham’s Maifest celebration may be a bit watered down these days, but it continues to be a very popular and ongoing attraction for all weekend long that showcases Brenham’s proud German Heritage with historical demonstrations, music, dance, merchandise and displays.

There you have it. It doesn’t really matter if it’s May 1st or the end of June… Maifest is a big part of your proud German Heritage to experience and enjoy!

Happy National Hamburger Month 05/01/2012

Happy National Hamburger Month

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